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professional experience

it all started at Cria. â€‹


Cria is the junior communication company at UFMG, where I studied advertising.


there, besides enjoying the parties and the affection of Clayton (the capybara, our mascot), I discovered my passion for people management. I also rediscovered an old passion, writing, this time in the form of copywriting.


from July 2018 to July 2019

cria ufmg - writing and people management advisor

as a copywriter, I worked on producing advertising texts, names, slogans, and social media content. the experience also involved direct client contact and participation in meetings and brainstorming sessions. as a people management advisor, I worked on processes for analyzing the company's organizational climate, conflict resolution, recruitment, and selection.

cria ufmg - director of people management

after being elected as the director of the area, I was able to lead a team of 7 people, and together we took care of the professional and personal performance of the members. as a director, I supervised the selection process, conducted climate analyses, monitored members, and participated in the strategic direction of the company.

by a twist of fate, I ended up meeting the HR leader in the elevator at Ioasys, a technology company in my home town. 


she invited me to work there, and since I was looking for a job in people management and loved the environment, I applied for the open Employee Experience position.


from December 2019 to September 2020

I created a resume, participated in an interview, and was offered my first formal internship.

ioasys - employee experience intern

as the company grew, the need for an area focused on employee experience arose. I joined at that moment, and as an intern, I helped consolidate this core team, which consisted of me and two others. as an intern, I participated in creating an internal communication routine, organizing the onboarding process, and coordinating events. I also assisted with the application and analysis of climate surveys, conflict resolution, and the creation of internal materials such as the feedback manual.

at Ioasys, I made great friends, learned a lot, and grew professionally.


in September 2020, I felt it was time to seek new challenges and discovered VOLL. VOLL is a company that promotes a revolution in corporate transportation.

VOLL - employee experience intern

in a team with three other people, I participated in climate analysis processes, creating automations for quick and effective response analysis. I also worked on internal communication, promoting virtual events in the context of the pandemic, as well as conflict resolution and maintaining organizational culture.


from September to December 2020

my journey at VOLL was short but full of learning with a rapidly growing company.


I left because I saw an opportunity to become a UX Writer, an area I was unfamiliar with but seemed to combine two things I really enjoy: user experience and writing.

I trusted my intuition and applied for the position. the more I learned about the team and the area, the more I wanted to work there. fortunately, I was invited to join the amazing team that I am still part of today.


from January 2021 to September 2024

Toro - ux writer 

at Toro, I worked with other designers and developers in planning and creating the experience of a digital product—specifically Toro's brokerage website and app, as well as the internal portfolio consolidation service. I participate in the stages of benchmarking, discovery, screen development, review etc., always focusing on customer experience translated into content. In research-related tasks, I help create and analyze surveys, structure scripts, and engage directly with customers.


I also worked with product metrics, A/B testing, and creating the tone of voice. In 2021, Toro was acquired by Santander, and I participated in adapting our products to this new phase. I also worked on corporate communications through emails, push notifications, SMS, and more.


working at Toro was an enriching experience that taught me much of what I know about UX Design. looking to expand my knowledge in the field and return to studying, something I love, I decided to completely change my life and pursue my dreams in the city of my dreams.


from October 2024 to the present

LCI - Master's degree in Creation and Development of Digital Projects

I am, now, specializing in digital design, particularly in UX, UI, and interaction design, learning how to create memorable experiences that truly stand out and add value. 


I’m very excited to apply my knowledge to create cohesive journeys that make sense for the user, both on and off screens.



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rafaela fantazzini 

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